2011_0110 My Challenge

At the moment what I find most challenging about my weight loss are two things.
1. Time Management
2. Healthier Choices

Time Mangement
Managing my time is challenging. For me it is not a problem making exercising a priority. The problem I encounter is the after math. I work out, but I feel I can not work out as hard and as long as I would like to. There have been days when I do push myself and then end up feeling sore. This is common and normal. My problem is when I attend Mommy & Me class. Having to sit down and get up and run and bend and squat and .... I feel it and it limits my mobility and participation in the class. This is just one example of the limitations I feel my exercising has. Another type of limitation I feel I have with time management is when I can actually exercise. I prefer to exercise in the morning. The rest of the day I am left with a sense of accomplishment and am more hesitant to eat unhealthy choices because it would undo my morning workout. As a result, I end up working out at night, after the kids go to sleep. During the day I am finding it difficult because of all the kid related interruptions. I get on the treadmill and they come running to try and walk with me. They will stop playing outside and come running inside. *sigh* Still looking for something to keep them both busy with, while I get on the treadmill. The older one will get sucked into a newer movie. The younger one is glued to my leg. So for now, I will continue to work out at night.

Healthier Choices
Making healthier choices is not to challenging but it is definitely frustrating. I thought I was doing good by drinking Kool-Aid Fizz with no sugar added instead of Coke. I looked at the label last night and realized that one 8oz serving contains 5 calories, and 60mg of sodium. I was drinking about 64 oz of it a day if not more. I was not accounting for these calories in my daily budget. I wonder what other sneaky calories I am not accounting for. I am having to rethink my home cooking as well. I have some cook books but, now I have to look at the recipes more closely and find healthier ingredients that still taste good and are easy to make. The kitchen and I do not always get along.
My mornings are usually a rushed chaos. For now, I will doing the breakfast in a can thing until I can figure out something quick and easy I can have. I used to think having oatmeal in the morning was a good thing, now, according to some literature I read from Kaiser, it suggests it is not recommended. I will have to read up on that more. So, my choice for breakfast for the time being is from Costco, Kirkland Weight Loss Shake, Milk Chocolate flavored at 230calories for 11oz.

Lose It! Update
I'm still reading the Lose It! book and hope to make a blog post entry with respect to within the next 24-48hours. I am using the Lose It! app more, but still not religiously. There is room for improvement there. I also have my first two friends on Loseit.com, whoo-hoo! I'm happy about that. I am hoping to end up with 3-6 friends to help each other through our weight loss journey.

That's it for this entry, until next time, share a smile and make someone's day.


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