2011_0304 Chapter 3: Move It to Lose It (Part 2 of 4)
Previously I had mentioned using the Lose It! app on my iPhone. It is available free through iTunes. You do not need to have an iPhone to use the Lose It!. You can use it via their website at http://loseit.com / . I have also included a link to it on the right hand side of this blog. Now, let me continue with another entry from the Lose It! book I am reading. CHAPTER 3: MOVE IT TO LOSE IT Burn Calories in Your Sleep You can burn calories in your sleep through the effect of "afterburn." When you exercise your body uses up energy, when you stop a workout session, your body keeps going a little longer. Strength training helps increase lean muscle mass. Increasing muscle mass gradually does not mean you will end up looking like the animated version of the Incredible Hulk . First you burn off the fat, so you loose weight. After you reach your goal weight, then you gauge for yourself how far to go to gain some muscle bulk. The Calorie Crunch: Maximize Your Time To gain the ...