Wendy's Protein Style Burger?
For lunch today I went to Wendy's. I asked for a number 1 Combo.My order: Salad instead of french fries, a diet soda, and I asked for the burger protein style with no mayo. I was told they refer to the burger as "lettuce wrapped". Okay. On the receipt it read, "no bun". I think the receipt was more accurate.
The following are the series of pictures I took with cell phone. You can see the actual packaging, calorie counts, and what I actually got to for lunch.
The burger as delivered
Inside the 1/4lb cheeseburger
Croutons, I did not have them.
Regular Ranch Dressing
Nutritional Info for Regular Ranch Dressing
Side Salad Package/Container
A better look inside the side salad, which included two ripe grape tomatoes
I was not thrilled with lunch, lesson learned.