Retaining Water?
Last night I had salty food for dinner and I also remember drinking a lot of water. I'm going to take a guess that the 2.4 lbs gain I saw this morning was highly contributed by last night. *sigh*
I did get to go swimming on Friday. My shoulders were pretty tired on Saturday. Saturday morning we went for a leisurely stroll through our local botanical garden. This morning I went for a walk. I walked at a slower pace than usual, but I did get my walk in, 4.7miles in 100 minutes. "Just keep moving, it will keep getting easier," it's what I keep telling myself. Today I got 13K steps in. Whoo-hooo!
It is a new school year in our house and I have not heard anything about a new season of The Biggest Loser. In the past, school starts and I start seeing commercials left and and right. I am not happy about no new season because the show is my weekly dose of motivation, inspiration, reminder, ... call it anything you want, it helps me focus and keep going. Since I have a feeling I will not be watching The Biggest Loser, I'm looking for some other weekly thing to fill it's void. Tonight after I'm done with my blog entry, I will be reading more about Sparkpeople Coach and Sparkpeople Live. I think I should try one of them out. It is pretty evident I can not do this alone.