Happy Labor Day Weekend!
We spent the day at Disney's California Adventure. We started out with, "It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Come inside, it's fun inside, ..." It certainly is a catchy tune. The Newspaper boys were pretty nice too. Reminded me how far we have come. A long time ago there were boys selling newspapers at street corners, the paper boy delivered it to your door. Nowadays, it's an adult who delivers it to my door, or I can go online and get the latest news electronically. We caught a few other shows and some rides too. The Radiator Racer's has got to be a family favorite. Cars Land is a cool place to sit and people watch in a little town called Radiator Springs.
Throughout the day we kept seeing people wearing their medals. Saturday was Disney's 1/2 Marathon. I got to chit-chat with some participants and they have inspired me to try harder to get into one of the 1/2 Marathon races. I have been contemplating it for while, but never really made an effort. Seeing those medals and hearing what some participants had to say, made it seem more possible than I thought it could be. Wish me luck. Maybe in a year from now I can run that distance without gasping for air 1/100 of the way into the race.
I digress. Planning pays off. We packed a lunch. We all ate healthy and saved a few bucks too. We also packed our Camelbaks, as a result, I drank 3.5 liters of water and did so easily. Once we left the park we had dinner out but we did not over stuff ourselves and we did skip dessert.
A few minutes ago I synched my Fitbit and it said I walked 10,400 steps today and my active score was 1339. I am feeling pretty good about my food choices and my walking.
After I post this blog entry, I will be heading over to "Weight Loss Buddy." I want to check out what that site has to offer. Yeah, I still have not heard back SparkPeople, so I am doing a little window shopping, just in case.
That is it for this post. As always, I love meeting new people so drop me an email or follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook.