Walking Slow, Making Progress

The juicing did not go as well as I wanted it to go. I do not own a juicer, I used a VitaMix. The consistency was thick. It tasted okay, but as mentioned before, it was not as good. It tasted better to me warmed up than cold. None the less, today I strayed.

Today I had a weight loss shake for breakfast. I intended to have another for lunch with a 12oz glass of the vegetable juice mix. Unfortunately, I had Chinese food for lunch. Ah! In my defense, I controlled myself. I split a plate with someone else. So, instead of over eating, I only had half as much as I normally would have had.

For dinner today I had . . .

1 cup of Progresso soup and 1 slice of pizza.

Because I have over 400 calories to spare today... I am going to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate before bed.

Tomorrow will be another day and as my LoseIt friend Bria said, "Wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction." I am determined to have a good day and not exceed my daily caloric budget. I may walk slow, but I am determined to make progress.


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