My Summer Reading List
When the 2012-2013 school year ended I had a list of books I wanted to read over summer vacation. Here we are 17 days before the start of the 2013-2014 school year and I am not even half way down my reading list.
Today I had return my copy of The Walking Dead Compendium One to the public library. I borrowed it for two weeks. I was not able to renew it because it was there was a hold on it. I returned it and asked the lady behind the counter to please place it on hold for me, again. *sigh* Eventually I will get to borrow the book again, and finish it.
In the meantime I am going to continue reading the Kingdom Keepers series. Book number two is: Kingdom Keepers: Disney at Dawn. I intend to read book 3, 4, 5, and 6 as well.
My reading list, hopefully to be completed before the end of the year:
Kingdom Keepers Series (6 books)
The Walking Dead Compendium (2 books)
Twilight Book Series (4 books)
What is on your reading list, to hopefully complete by the end of 2013?