Good Start in 2014

I realize it's only the first day of 2014, and so it is of no surprise I am off to a good start. None the less, it is a good start.

My successes today included:
  • Taking a 20 minute 1 mile walk.
  • Logging everything I ate on the LoseIt app. ( )
  • Logged everything  I ate on the MyFitnessPal app. ( )
  • Stayed within my daily caloric budget.
  • Used MapMyFitness to track my walk. ( )
  • Listed to one health related podcast. ( )

It is redundant to log everything in two different program/apps. I was using LoseIt at first, I like it very much. I used it on my iPhone 3 for a long time. Unfortunately when the iPhone 5c and 5s came out, my phone stopped getting iOS updates. No updates means my app stopped being fully supported. I started looking for alternatives and a friend suggested MyFitnessPal. Well, I started using MyFitnessPal. When my iPhone 3 finally died out, I broke down and upgraded to an iPhone 5. Now both apps work fine on my phone. I will keep using both apps for a while until I decide which I like better. Odds are in favor I will be sticking with Loseit because I have a longer history with it.

One day at a time.
One pound at a time.
One step closer to my goal.


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