Weight Loss Support

Having a weight loss support system is important. Unfortunately we do not always get it from the sources we want it from, we have difficulty finding it, and maintaining the quality of the support are all challenges.Today I was reminded of many challenges I have encountered with respect to support. 

When I first started my weight loss journey, I had people tell me I had to loose X number of pounds, I was fine the way I was, or they did not care either way. Well, the first group of people were nuts. I was not about to turn my world upside down, become a gym rat and eat like rabbit forever to please them. The second group, they were and still are, overweight themselves. The third group, well, I do not talk about my weight loss goals with them.  Ugh! I want to loose weight but feeling alone in the journey was so overwhelming. Starting the journey seemed impossible. How to start the weight loss journey and not feel all alone in an uphill battle?

For some crazy reason, I thought my husband would support, encourage, and help me loose the weight. He said yes to it all, but his actions do not follow through. I do not think he does it intentionally but he does sabotage me. He is over weight. When I start to reach a  point that my weight loss is noticeable, he starts to get moody. His moodiness I think is due to his guilt that he has not lost weight. I try to help him, but he is resists by piling on the excuses. It does sadden me, but I am not responsible for his choices. I can not lose weight for him, and likewise, he can not keep me from loosing weight. It is a challenge. Having his support would make things easier for me and make a big difference. I have accepted the fact he is not ready to give me the support I need.

Finding support is like finding a needle in a haystack. Well, unless you know where and how to look for it. When we are young children, we want friends to play with. How do you find friends to play with that like playing the same things you do? What would you tell a young child? It is that basic. Sometimes you need to visit a playground and say "Hello. Can I play too?" You do not need to know their name(s), where they live, how old they are, ... just say "Hello. Can I play too?" It breaks the ice. Where to find such a playground? There are the mainstream ones such as Curves, 24 Hour Fitness, Weight Watchers. We do not all have time and/or money for these options. There is  hope! Try Facebook, Blogs, Lose It, My Fitness Pal, Nike +, Map My Walk, and groups formed your medical provider. Aim to have 3-5 people in support group. From various sources I have read, having at least 3 people in your support group greatly improves your chances of success. If you are reading my blog, find me on LoseIt and Facebook, I'm willing to be your support if you are willing to be mine.

Okay, now you have met a person, or two, who is willing to be part of your support system. If you want to make this group of people a successful support system, you need to support the system. Be the kind of support you are looking for. Do not wait for other to check in on you, check in on others. Do not wait for others to cheer you on when you reach a goal, or mini-goal, ... cheer them on. Be the support you want to have. Be the friend you want to have. Why you first? Because the successful changes in your life begin with you.

Over the past year, I have found my support group change. Some have met their goal and have moved on. New people start or restart their journey and now our paths cross. I too have changed, my goals, my reasons, and my approach. Being aware of changes and being flexible can only increase my chances of success. I feel like my failures no longer affect me as badly as they used to. I am willing to accept my failures as a way of saying, I tried something that did not work, move on. I am not setting out to fail, but the more I fail, it means I keep trying and am not giving up.

I am a member of LoseIt.com . I looked over the list of my "friends" on the site. I noticed 18 people have not logged anything in the past week. Given that we are at the beginning of 2014, I would imagine most individuals restarting their weight loss journey nice and strong. I will give these people until Wednesday, January 15th to log back in. If they do not, I will assume they have lost interest in LoseIt, and in sharing support. Losing 18 "friends" is a significant number, but if they are not logging in, I have already lost their support.

One day at a time.
One step closer to my goal.


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