DVD Rescheduled, Postponed, Delayed.

Jillian Michaels came out with a new DVD. One Week Shred and you could lose up to 7 pounds in 7 days. A seven day commitment?  I can do that! It was to be released March 3rd. Great! I got on line and per-ordered it.

My plan was to do the DVD for one week and shed the 7 pounds before I went on my first camping trip with my son and his cub scouts. As I said, that "was" the plan. What happen was something else.

The DVD took longer to ship and longer to arrive. The DVD was delivered a few days before my trip. I did not want to risk being sore during the trip, so I decided to start the Monday after our trip. *sigh*

We went on our camping trip and had a great time. It was awesome sleeping under the stars and listening to the coyotes howling and the little cubs sounded adorable. The frogs in the creak were very vocal. An owl decided to land in a tree very near our tent, and he too was very vocal. I really enjoyed our camping trip. My son had a great time and he wanted to stay longer. We got a workout, hiked, hunted for lizards, frogs, visited a makeshift cemetery at night, fed a rattlesnake, played soccer, wacky baseball, ... and lots of other fun things all with my boy. All this makes the trip so worth it. 

Okay, so Monday, (today) I will start the DVD? Nope. Not happening. I need to delay the start.Why? Well, while we were with the cub scouts on a night hike, I got a boo-boo. In short. One person leaned on a railing, the railing pushed over a chuck wagon wheel. The wheel was not attached to anything, so it tumbled down toward where my son and I were standing. I started to move, he was not moving. I had to leap over and push him out of the way. I did push him completely out of the way. Unfortunately, I did not move far enough back. Despite the best efforts of a fellow Scout Leader and myself, the wheel landed on my foot. Yes, it did hurt, a lot. *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* yes, it hurt.
No bones where broken. No skin was broken. Lots of bruising.

The first picture was Sunday morning. The next picture is Sunday night. The last one is Monday night. The bruising is spreading to underneath the toes and up the foot. Found another one on my shin. All I can say is, I am so glad it was me and not my boy. It's okay, it's just bruises, they will go away. In the end, my boy had a great time and he did not get hurt.

As for the DVD, I guess it will have to wait, ... for next Monday? Hopefully by then most of the bruising and pain will have gone away.

In the mean time, I have to behave, count calories carefully, drink lots of water. Ah! But I guess I can do some sit ups.

One day at a time.
One pound at a time.
One smart choice at a time.


Anonymous said…
That looks very painful. I hope it heals soon
Anonymous said…
Ha! I just noticed the date on this.. :) That'll teach me to pay more attention before I comment.

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