Pushing Thru A Chaotic Day

Today was a CRAZY day. The intentions were good but things kept happening to discourage my focus. In the end, I am moving through my journey a little slower, but still moving in the right direction. The morning skies looked cool and offered the promise of a sprinkle or two Little did I know they would yield a large amount of rain suddenly and in a relatively short period of time. The rest of the day was on and off sprinkles and rain. Then the fun began. I took my cat to a heart specialist to find out if his heart is strong enough to be put under to remove a mass/growth from his gumline. While at the specialist, I get a phone call from a number I did not recognize. I let it go to voicemail. There is a moment when I have some downtime waiting in the vet's lobby, so I check my voicemail. It was my bank? The Fraud Department? *sigh* Apparently someone has decided to use my account in Brazil, Massachusetts, and Virginia and rack up A LOT of expenses. No. No. No....