Happy New Year!
I am so happy a new year has started. What happen in the past, happen in the past. It's a new year, new opportunities, new challenges, a new me. I have said it before and I'll say it again. It does not matter how many times you fall as long as you get up one more time.
In 2015 I wanted loose weight and I did. I did not lose all of the weight I wanted to waste and then I gained 'most' of it back. Not very happy about the latter. I am proud of myself though because I did manage to loose a pant size and have not gained that back. I am also proud that I completed my first every Mud Run. It was tough, but I actually did it. I feel like I did blog more than years prior but not as much as I would
have liked. I managed to take an online course on blogging. Hoping that
is showing in my posts. I set goals, not all were met, but I did make some progress.
Now it's 2016! Time to set some short term goals, not New Year's Resolutions. Those don't seem to work for me. I make plans with good intentions and then life happens. I'm making short term goals now. I will keep adjusting my goals to achieve my ultimate goal of reaching my ideal weight.
It's 2016 and here are my January goals:
- Eat better
- Eat more frequently
- Don't miss meals
- Use our NEW treadmill
- Do one DUT (Daily Ultimate Training) at the UFC gym per week.
- Do one aerobic class at Crunch gym per week.
- Watch Biggest Loser Season 17 on Mondays.
- Prepare for the CBEST test.
Today I'm setting up my personal calendar to schedule all these things I want to get done. I also need to enter all the activities my kids have such as band practice, karate, track, girl scouts, etc. Scheduling all these things makes it more clear when during the day I have time to get a little exercising done, and what kind. For example, when my kid goes to karate practice, I have been able to walk 3 miles. On that day, I can skip my treadmill time because I still got my 3 mile walk in.
website: https://makeyeshappen.com/ |
My friend posted on Facebook a picture of a little shelf with hooks her husband made for her. Displayed on it were the medals she's been earning on her runs. She has done 5Ks, 1/2 marathons, and a couple of Mud Runs too. I have only one medal. It felt so good to earn it. While I was training for the event, I didn't focus on loosing weight, it just happen as a by product of my focusing on the event. With these two things in mind, I decided to visit "Make YES Happen" and sign up for a Virtual Run and earn a real medal.
This specific virtual race: https://makeyeshappen.com/NewYear2016 |
It cost me $25 to sign up and I can take as long as I want to complete the 31 miles. You can enter your log manually or connect your existing MapMyFitness, Fitbit, or other accounts to do the logging automatically. I connected my Fitbit to it, so it will be done automatically. I am aiming to complete the 31 miles within the month of January. I think I should be able to do it pretty easily. I works out to a mile per day. I CAN DO IT!
It is a small attainable goal, and a step in the right direction.