T-4 Days to Getting Back on Track

The busier my day gets, the more I sacrifice my diet and exercise. As usual I got busy with my kid's stuff. While these busy days did not sneak up on me, I couldn't seem to manage my time wisely and I could eat healthy meals. I ended up eating out more than we should. That always hurts my wallet and my waistline. *sigh* My first thought was, "Well, it'll get better next week." Normally, it would. This time I too many unexpected events took place and one week became two, which then slipped into three weeks. I did try to make good choices when eating out. For example, I chose El Pollo Loco over Carl Jr.'s Double Western Burger. Little things like this helped with the calorie intake but it was not enough. I also started sneaking in 10 minute walks any where and any where. If you follow my Facebook page, you probably saw a few of those posts. A couple of walks were not recorded by my FitBit because I forgot to charge it. Bummed they did not recorded, but feel...