Be Honest and Reboot.

It has been eighty some days since my last post. I was all ready to get back on track. My plan was to hit the gym 3 times a week, eat healthier, be more active, ... Well, here we are at the end of our summer. Kids go back to school next week and I am heavier than I was on June 9th. I did not set foot in the gym once! Very disappointed in myself. I am heavier than I have ever been, heavier than when I was pregnant. All my good intentions were derailed by "summer fun" of bad choices. Too many BBQs, food based play-dates, trying new eateries, kicking it on the couch catching up on shows, summer movies while stuffing my face with movie theater popcorn soaked in butter, etc. I can not do this by myself. I need help and I feel embarrassed to say it. I know I should not feel this way, but I do. I know what I need to do, I know what I need to eat and not eat. I know many things but apparently I need something else, help. Last week I woke up in the middle of the night and could n...