Living With Intention

3rd Grade Holiday Breakfast...✅
Yearbook orders processed...✅
Yearbook Club reimbursement processed... ✅
November PTA related reimbursement processed...✅
Last day of school before Christmas Break... ✅
Pesky errand...✅
Slime acquired ...✅
Laaaattte lunch with family ... 😍...✅
Unexpected DVD score...✅
Kids and hubby home safe ...✅
All seems to be going well, yet I feel anxious. Somethings did not go as I had hoped they would. I'm not real pleased about it. These little things have left me feeling "incomplete" because they are not checked off my list. *sigh* I talked about it to a couple of friends. They made me feel a little better. Still, I couldn't totally shake this "incomplete" feeling.
Well, I'm home. I'm emptying my pockets. I have candy cane wrappers my kids gave me because the trash can was 2 steps further away than me. I have tissues and 2 tubes of chapstick? Huh? Whatever. I also pulled out this bottle. I cracked it open and took a whiff. Looked at the bottle and started to think about the person who gave me this bottle today. I let my wind wander. WHAM! It hit me all of a sudden. A part of me that hasn't been around in a while is starting to reappear. The part of me that wants more out of life than just be comfortable with whatever happens. The part of me that makes things happen intentionally. The part of me that doesn't just live life but makes life happen. *SMH* I was not expecting this, didn't even know this was possible.
I don't fill empty any more. I feel excited that I know what I want and how to get it done! ... a little late but I'm going to get it done.
#LoveLivingLife #NormalChaos #LivingWithIntention