Merry Christmas To Me!

Merry Christmas!

My Christmas present to me was a little something to help each and everyday. A ring inscribed with the wording, "KICK FEAR IN THE FACE" on one side. On the other side it has the hashtag #DTW which stands for "Do The Work."

There are many little things I want to do and yet hold back due a fear of:
-- What if I can't...
-- What if it doesn't work...
-- What if I'm not ready...
-- What if my idea is a flop...
-- What if I set the bar too high...
-- What if?, What if?, What if?, ...

I can't live in fear of succeeding, of dreaming big, of exploring the "What ifs."

Today I did something I never would have done in the past. I signed up to help Santa deliver goodies all over town. On four hours of sleep I got up (with kids in tow), and went to the Fire Department. For 1 hour rode in the back of an old style fire truck with Santa and passed out goody bags filled with peanuts, candy, and fruit. Jumping up and down from the truck and running down the street was more work than I had anticipated. I had to change my approach. For the next 4.5 hours I ended up doing squats on the back of the truck. Squats?! Yes. I held on to the moving truck bouncing up and down over speed bumps, while grabbing several goodie bags at a time to squat down low enough to pass out to the volunteers who were doing the actual running to deliver them.

When I got home, I ate and slept. When I woke up, I was very thirsty and many muscle groups were aching. My body is aching and I love it! I did it! I was worried I wouldn't last, I did! I was worried my knees would hurt, they don't! I was worried my arms would not last, they did. I was worried about so many things, but I "kicked fear in the face," and went for it. I ran until I was ready top puke and then adjusted my plan and finished what I had set out to do.

I loved "kicking fear in the face," and I want to do it all the time!


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