The Storm is Passing
I feel AWESOMELY recharged and ready to conquer the world!
I have had a rough challenging month. I have dealt with deadlines, errors, cancellations, work issues (not Allen), missing pay, plugged stormed drains, cracked walls, flooded garage, water damage to house footings, tree root invasions, gas leak, power outage, doctor visits, side of car scraped (I wasn't even in the car.), colds, coughs, laryngitis, ....and then there is Girl Scout Cookies, middle school activities, yearbook and a short notice that hubby has to leave town for a few days because he is the Team Lead. Today feels like the worst of the storm has passed and now it's time grab a broom and trash bag. I got to sleep in really late, something very rare. Time to start cleaning up. 1st up... cheers to celebrating my birthday which was last week. I love garlic and these overloaded garlic fries hit the spot. Next up, clearing up a spot to assemble my Harry Potter Hogwarts LEGO castle and display my Honorary Service Award (still stoked in disbelief). Playing in the background Warehouse 13.
...and one last pic of the dove who kept coming by for a meal wouldn't leave. He weathered the storm/cold under our roof. He has left, but we put food out again in case he comes back.
