Water Please


Two years ago I would drink a 2 liter bottle of soda throughout a day. Maybe I’d drink ONE cup of plain water here and there, but definitely not every day.

A little over a year ago I stopped, more like paused. I would drink 12oz of soda a week. Everyday I would drink lots of ice tea, and some water. Drinking water was a challenge, and drinking 64oz of plain water a day did not always happen.

I thought I’d always be stuck drinking ice tea and sneaking a little soda here and there. I am sooo pleased to say I was wrong.

A few days ago I went away on a little trip. I did a lot of walking, exercise. I averaged 18K steps a day. On my last day out, I walked so much that I felt I could drink some soda guilt free. I intentionally and confidently grabbed a soda. I was looking forward to that ice cold soda with the carbonation bubbles popping and lightly splashing my face while I drank it. I took a sip. Nope. One more sip, *insert buzzer sound here* I have totally lost my taste for it. I ended up drinking water, plain water.

I am pleased to say I now drink at least 67oz of plain water a day without struggling.

Don’t give up. Keep at it. baby steps in the right direction is still progress. It will happen.


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