Bad Days Happen, Don’t Give Up

My life is not perfect. I have struggles, challenges, yucky stuff too. Everyday I make a conscience choice to improve my health, my my mind, my body, my life, ... I make this post not to get sympathy, but to hopefully inspire someone out there to not give up. YOU can succeed, slow and steady, don't give up.

Yesterday was a bad day for me. Starting Monday I had a headache that turned into a huge migraine that peaked yesterday. The kind that you can't open your eyes, light hurts, your jaw and teeth feel locked. The kind where even other body parts ache. The kind where you have a plain piece of bread and water and end up tossing sooooo many cookies you see an old shoe and spare tire come up. 🤮THAT was me yesterday. 

On the plus side, it's been a little over 2 years since I've had a bad migraine like that, and, ... I lost 2lbs! 😂 I feel better today. Better, not completely well, but better. I will continue slow and steady🐌 on my health journey. It's not a race to be the healthiest person on the's my journey. I am a work in progress

Two, three, years ago... I would have been sooo bummed out that I went thru this migraine and just wasted the day away a là NetFlix 📺 Today, I am happy it did not last longer and that it had been so long since I've had one. 


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