You Don't Have To Run, YOU CAN WALK

For the past few days Garmin has been having problems so I was not accurately tracking and logging my walk. I knew the distance but the time was approximate. Today was I wasn't sure if my Garmin tracker would work, but I started it up and went for my walk. Well, my normal path was altered so I had to approximate the distance. When trying to establish a new healthy habit, or any new habit for that matter, it takes on average 66 days. I may not be exact on how far I walked or how long it took, but I sure do know I have walked 7 out of past 8 days. Just because I missed one day, it's no reason to throw in the towel. In the long run... in 66 days, missing a day or two won't matter because I WILL have established a new healthy habit. One component needed to loose weight is more movement. I need to move more. I am not ready for strenuous exercise but I can walk. I do not have to sprint, run, or jog, I just need to move more. Walking is perfect for me right now. Knowing exactly ho...