All Calories Created Equal? A good thing to mention is that not all calories are created equal. I have seen countless talk shows with guest who practically starve themselves to death because all they do is count calories to the extreme. But, it's not just the calories you need to worry about, it is the quality of the calories as well. A simple example I can relate to is a small banana, just under 6" vs. 1 piece butterscotch hard candy. The first is about 72 calories, the latter is about 70 calories. While the candy is 2 less calories, you get more nutritional calories out of the banana. So, no, not all calories are created equal. Foods That Help the Calorie Cause The subsections which follow, were helpful in both understanding the common buzz words and using them in everyday life to lose weight: Complex Carbs, Friendly Fats, Protein, and Fiber. The Top 10 Foods That Fill You Up: The Cream of The Crop Reading the list and their advantages was enlightening. I must say I had nev...