
Showing posts from February, 2013

Walking Slow, Making Progress

The juicing did not go as well as I wanted it to go. I do not own a juicer, I used a VitaMix. The consistency was thick. It tasted okay, but as mentioned before, it was not as good. It tasted better to me warmed up than cold. None the less, today I strayed. Today I had a weight loss shake for breakfast. I intended to have another for lunch with a 12oz glass of the vegetable juice mix. Unfortunately, I had Chinese food for lunch. Ah! In my defense, I controlled myself. I split a plate with someone else. So, instead of over eating, I only had half as much as I normally would have had. For dinner today I had . . . 1 cup of Progresso soup and 1 slice of pizza. Because I have over 400 calories to spare today... I am going to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate before bed. Tomorrow will be another day and as my LoseIt friend Bria said, "Wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction." I am determined to have a good day and not exceed my daily caloric budget. I may...

Veggie Juicing Trial

My sniffles are almost all gone, and as predicted, it is pouring rain here. *sigh* It doesn't matter how may road blocks I find, I must keep trying. With that in mind, tomorrow is a big day and I'm setting myself up for success, or so I think I am... I would like to try juicing. I made some before, it was thick, but it tasted good. The problem is I do not remember what I put in it. Not happy about that. Today I made a new batch. 4 carrots (1lbs 8oz) 1 apple (9oz) 4 celery stalks (4.8oz) 12 ice cubes 2 handfuls of brocoli clorets (4oz) 6 radish (2.4oz)   It tastes okay, but not as good as the batch I made last time. Stumped on what I put in it last time. Oh well, I will keep trying by varying the ingredients. If anyone has suggestions on a sweeter tasting juicing recipes for weight loss, please share.

Some Sniffling Left

Sneezing, coughing, flu, fevers, AAAAAHHHHH! Everyone around me kept getting sick. It was bound to happen. I got sick. In comparison to everyone else around me, I got off easy. My "sick days" were short and the level of my sickness was far less. Thank goodness. I still have some sniffling left and some minor body aches, but overall I am feeling pretty good now. My three day weekend due to President's Day looks nice due to warmer days, but is not much fun because of the sniffling. I am still glad to have the extra day to take things a little slow. In looking at the local forecast, tomorrow will be a nice day to get out and take a short stroll, stretch my legs, enjoy some blue skies and take a deep breath before the regular week chaos starts. Unfortunately there is rain in the forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday. I guess we will all be drinking plenty of orange juice, eating oranges, washing our hands repeatedly, and crossing our fingers no one gets another round of co...

I'm here

I'm still here. I'm limping along but I am still here. The best laid out plans are made to be messed up. This flu season went well for me, but a cold has finally caught up to me. I will be back soon.