
Showing posts from August, 2013

Ready For Back To School.

The first day of school is fast approaching. My son starts school on Monday, August 19th. We are preparing by going to bed earlier, getting up earlier, back to school clothing shopping, school supply shopping, and eating much healthier at more normalized times. Since my blog is about my weight loss journey, I will elaborate on the eating healthier part. Yesterday I consumed 24 oz of vegetable juice. I broke out the juice and juiced carrots, cucumbers, spinach, celery, broccoli,a lime, radishes.    The juice was a the color of dingy milk chocolate drink. The taste to my surprise was mainly of cucumber and lime with a slight after taste of carrot.  Today I made 28 oz of vegetable juice. The juice contained 15 carrots, 2 cucumbers, 15 stalks of celery, 4 radishes, 8.5oz of broccoli clorets, 3 oz of spinach, and 1 lime. I am feeling good about eating a lot more vegetables. My soda consumption has been cut 75%. One day at a time, one pound at a time, ......

Movies, TV

Picture source: It is tough to stay focused on losing weight and today was one of those unexpected hiccups. Instead of doing our usual basic Saturday routine, we veered away. Losing weight is something I need to do while still engaged in my everyday world. Our day did not go as I would have liked but, it did go as it needed to go according to hiccup. Picture source: The past 24 hours were definitely not conducive to losing weight. Last night we ended our day by watching "This is 40." Today I skipped breakfast. Lunch consisted of a Costco polish dog and a slice of pepperoni pizza. Following lunch we went to the movies and watched, "Turbo." Let me add I had soda and popcorn at the movie theater. Picture source: The late afternoon and evening was not much better. We took a stroll around a local street festivity, on...

My Summer Reading List

When the 2012-2013 school year ended I had a list of books I wanted to read over summer vacation. Here we are 17 days before the start of the 2013-2014 school year and I am not even half way down my reading list.  Today I had return my copy of The Walking Dead Compendium One to the public library. I borrowed it for two weeks. I was not able to renew it because it was there was a hold on it. I returned it and asked the lady behind the counter to please place it on hold for me, again. *sigh* Eventually I will get to borrow the book again, and finish it. In the meantime I am going to continue reading the Kingdom Keepers series. Book number two is: Kingdom Keepers: Disney at Dawn. I intend to read book 3, 4, 5, and 6 as well. My reading list, hopefully to be completed before the end of the year: Kingdom Keepers Series (6 books) The Walking Dead Compendium (2 books) Twilight Book Series (4 books) What is on your reading list, to hopefully complete by the end of 2013?