Work In Progress

Deciding to be selfish and putting my health first has been the BEST decision I have made in a long time. October 2nd will conclude my 30 Day commitment. I am looking forward to the morning of October 3rd. On that morning, I will weigh myself and measure my waist. I am excited to find out how much I've lost and how much I've gained. I already know I've lost inches from my waist because I had to punch new holes in belt. I must be looking different too because a couple of my friends asked if I had lost weight. One of my friends asked me if I'm on a diet. I told her I am NOT on a diet, I'm on a path to a healthier life style, making healthy habits a part of my life, and I have stopped living in fear. *inhaling a deep breath* I feel so much better than I did a year ago, 1/2 a year ago, 8 weeks ago, ... and I am still a work in progress. I used to think I was too busy to loose weight, but now I'm seeing first hand I am loosing weight and still do everything I h...