I have ninety-some entries in my blog that include the number of new cases and deaths reported in Los Angeles County. I keep hearing the term, "the new norm," when referring to wearing masks and "safe social distancing" practices. What I see as the "new norm," is about 1,200-1,500 new COVID-19 cases reported daily. The more we see something, it eventually becomes the new normal . It may or may not be something good, but it does become the new normal. Seeing 1,200-1,500 new cases reported daily is becoming normal. This thought process affects my health. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am in various high risk categories. *sigh* So even though I wear a mask and wash my hands often, ... it seems many around me are not doing the same. They are finding it acceptable to see 1.3K+ per day and because it's normal, no need to adhere to safety measures. Perhaps what I just said is not accurate, but it is how it feels to me. Yesterday the dai...