Is It Time For New Sneakers?

No matter what form of exercise you choose, excluding those water related ones, you are going to need shoes. My choice of exercise is walking. It's simple, it's easy, I can do it anywhere. I can do it at home on the treadmill, around the school after I drop the kids off in the morning, around the block whenever they have after school activities. It's my go to exercise. A problem I run into is feeling tired. I don't mean the usually after noon sluggishness. I mean the, my feet hurt, they feel tired. my legs feel tired, I just want to get off my feet kind of tired.

In reading around the internet, one thing that often came up was "shoes". Sometime our shoes get worn out and make us unnecessarily tired. Worn out shoes can cause back pain, leg pain, fatigue, etc. How often should I be replacing my shoes? How do I know if it's time to replace my shoes?

Below are a few pictures of my current favorite comfy walking shoes.
I'm starting to feel tired shortly after lacing them up. Might it be time to have them replaced? I feel like I just got these shoes yesterday. Looking back at receipts and bank statements, I got these shoes almost 4 months ago. That still does not seem to be too old. Normally I just go out and get new shoe inserts at this point. New padding and I keep them around another 2 months or so. Not this time. This time I started reading around the internet. According to,, The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, and, they all pretty much said the same things:
  • Replace walking shoes after walking about 500 miles.
  • Replace after 45-60 hours of basketball.
  • Replace when the insole cushion is no longer springing back up.
  • Replace walking shoes after 6 months if you walk 30 minutes a day, or 3.5 hours a week.
  • Replace walking shoes after 3 months if you walk 60 minutes a day or about 7 hours a week.
The last one was the most helpful of all to me. I wear my sneakers all time. It's rare that I don't. So, I do walk 7 days a week, a continuous hour, not so sure about that. But I definitely walk every day. I park about a block away from the kid's school so I walk. I park further out in parking lots, that's walking time. I go for my walks that range from 10 minutes to 2 hours. I walk on the treadmill. Yes, that last bullet point was the most useful to me, with the assistance of the third bullet point. This weekend I'm going shoe shopping. These comfy shoes will become my back-up shoes.

How do you know it's time to replace your shoes?


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